The way I felt about blogging.

I think that blogging was interesting but I also thought it was the only thing in the way from me playing videogames. I probably wont continue to do this I think it is incompetint and usless no offense to Ms.Johnsons ways. I liked that we got to play videogames when we finished. But bassicaly the first sentence again.


My favorite poem and some lyrics of it.

Presently my soul grew stronger; hesitating then no longer,
“Sir,” said I, “or Madam, truly your forgiveness I implore;
But the fact is I was napping, and so gently you came rapping,
And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my chamber door,
That I scarce was sure I heard you”- here I opened wide the door; –
Darkness there, and nothing more.

That was a stanza of “The Raven” my favorite poem.The Raven is my favorite poem because its deep ominous As well as I. (sometimes)

10 people that are dead/alive I would invite to dinner

  1. My grandma because she is reallynice and sometimes gives me presents.
  2. My grandpa because he is nice and funny.
  3. My friend Andrew so we can talk about what kind of games we should make in the future.
  4. My mom because she is awesome.
  5. My dad because he is awesome.
  6. My friend Devin because he is cool and good at videogames.
  7. My friend Evan so me him Andrew and Devin so we can play halo after dinner.
  8. My great grandma because I dont see her that much.
  9. Elvis presley to sing
  10. And a Siberian Husky to eat vegetables

What im looking forward to and why.

            Im looking forward to going to college to study videogame developing. If not ill go to college to study movie making and special effects but I’d rather make awesome videogames. I want to make awsome videogames with my friend Andrew and get millions for them. Because you dont get millions for helping to make a movie.

            Im sort of sick of being a kid when no adult listens to you and they think your stupid or evil or something. Plus I want to drive and work at gamestop. Me and my friend Andrew want to move out and start making videogames. But mostly im excited to go to college.

How my life has changed in the last two years (I got $1000) :)

             Actually yesterday I recieved $1000 from my father. Well it was in child support I think that he paid over $2000 and my mother gave me half because of all the birthdays he didn’t send anything.I think im going to spend it on an ipad 2 but I dont know if the ipad 3 is out but if it is im going to get that instead.                                                                           

           Though if I get something like that ill run out of money  and ive only had a day, im not sure what to do. At first I was going to get a 47 inch LED HD TV and a lot of videogames. Or pimp out my room or just wait for the Xbox 720 to come out.

20 facts about me

  1. I like cake
  2. My favorite videogame is Skyrim
  3. My brothers name is Shawn
  4. Im awesome
  5. My favorite resturaunt is cici’s
  6. I play Minecraft
  7. I used to play baseball
  8. I play the keyboard
  9. Im still awesome
  10. I hate brussel sprouts
  11. When I was little I didnt know what 2+2 equaled
  12. I like pizza
  13. I cook food on occasion
  14. I like to go indoor skydiving
  15. Idont have a favorite musician
  16. I once got a trophy for catching a huge fish
  17. I think facebook is stupid
  18. My second favorite game is Halo the whole series
  19. Im amazing
  20. I also like pie